Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Faith in Stimlus or in God.

I have been wondering a long time if I should post this on my blog or website or something or not. I am not always great with words most of the time words is what gets me in to so much trouble. but I feel that this issue is very important to me. I have been wondering for long time if we have been putting our faith in the wrong team. I mean back when things where going great and economy as whole was doing good. and some of my attitudes as well as others well was we still have time to save and to store food. and help the poor. and do this good thing and that good thing and maybe a year or so ago we felt like our banks would not fail us. our investors and wall street will not fail us. but I wonder if we should have done more good like saving for ourselves and family and friends stored our food storage. and helped others when we could. I think we have put our faith as it says in the scriptures in other gods instead of trusting god and his servants the prophets by storing food and saving up and helping others. we bought things on credit sold ourselves for things that 1. don't really matter that much 2. homes and cars and other things that we really could not afford. I hope that this lesson I personal have learned that I never for get to trust god and his servants and not in stimulus plans bail out plans and things of this world. think we would have saved in time of plenty we could have helped others in there problems Mr. Jones did not have to loose his house. Mr and Mrs smith could have feed there children. I mean I am not talking about the guys with homeless please help me sign I am talking about our friends and family who are close to us. all in all the bottom line of what I am trying to say is that we sit at home and blame the government and banks and failed business because of the economy but in all reality it was us individually who made it bad our bad spending we spent because Jones bought that big house so can I the smiths bought a 3000 dollar TV so can I let me just buy it over time. The question that a lot of investors seem to be having is when will the economy recover? the answer is probably when we want to. when selfish is replaced selflessness and god is once again in our fair wonderful country. But I know deep down inside it will all work out so how and so way.

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