Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Does anyone remember during the 2008 campaign that Obama promised that he would not Tax anyone who makes less than 250,000 dollars a year. well he was kind of telling the truth he did not raise the income tax on those who make less than 250,000 dollars. How ever with new cap and trade bill that will more than likely get passed. we will have to pay more for our energy bills. speaking of energy bills who pays for white house energy bills oh yes we do. well I hope is planning on personal changing all of his incandescent bulbs with compact florescent bulbs, Because that is the green thing to do. basically here is what is going to happen the Government is going to be able to tax energy companies for not being green, and in turn they will raise the rates on us. um is anyone reading the bills in Congress anymore. Since the rates are going up this maybe my last entry I may not be able to pay for my electric bill. but don't worry everyone it just me rambling so I might be blowing everything out of proportion. but at least I will have free health care, and maybe my wonderful Government Motors car Formally General Motors.

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